This will fill up the Recent Players list which you can find by pressing F1 on the multiplayer main screen. patrol duty in the stormy Atlantic to sink 40,000 tons of German shipping.
Just join all the AW Groups in this link: and also join the chat for all of them (Join Chat button is at the top right for each Group) If you manage to party up with someone without DLC, this will result in matchmaking working for both of you, since if one player in the session does not have DLC, it will put whole party into matchmaking with people who don't have it either (which is not bugged).
Only the built in matchmaking is broken, you can still join games using Steam's 'Join Game' functionality. Workaround which allows you to keep DLC installed: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Spec ops Discuss the Call of Duty: Modern. 8.1 No games found in multiplayer when DLC map packs installed Genre: Hurt-Comfort Language: English Status: In-Progress Published:.