If you see 1, 2, 3 … any number greater than 0 then you can ready! If you see 0 when you ran the above command, then boot into your BIOS and turn on “Hardware Virtualization.” It tells you how many cores can be used in virtualization. This out of the following command must be greater than 0. Virt-Manager Local Installation with xml file.Ĭheck if your CPU has virtualization. Dockerfile available! Instant run docker-osx run: # insta run on any OSĭocker run -privileged -e 'DISPLAY=$' -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix sickcodes/docker-osx
MacOS VM on Arch, Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, RHEL or Fedora. RELEASED: Dockerfile full auto macOS installer. If you want to test it out, run my Docker-OSX project: SKIP ANY INSTRUCTIONS THAT ARE LIKE THIS
Linux users on Arch or Manjaro attempting to install macOS/OSX in VMWARE, or QEMU/KVM, will greatly benefit from this tutorial.